sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017

Mission to Ghana: Women's empowerment and Sanitation

Painting Africa is a project of Women for Africa Foundation developed with the support of We Are Water Foundation and Wildaf-Ghana.
This project combines women's empowerment with solutions for the waste management and sanitation project in the community of Ahwiam, Ghana.
Last year we completed the first phase consisting of a cleaning week and a sensitization campaign.
This year we have built up a Sanitation facility for the community composed of 6 toilettes, including 2 seating toilettes for pregnant women and the elder, 6 showers and a store. The facility is meant to be sustainable with the income providing for the usage fee and the store. Everything will be managed by a group of 4 women, trained in the basics of sanitation, hygiene, book keeping and human rights.
Our local partner Wildaf-Ghana has done a wonderful job under the leadership of Lois Addo.
During the past week we have been trained the women managers and finalizing the facility, which was inaugurated yesterday.
We will return to Ahwiam in the next months to see how the community is dealing with the facility, whether they are using it and if they are keeping it in a good shape. Depending on the evaluation, we might consider to give continuity to this project.
The key of this initiative is women's empowerment. We believe that women can make a difference and propel a change of mentality among the members of the community concerning sanitation.
I share some pictures of this wonderful week

domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

Justicia Climática y Género

Puedes acceder al contenido de la Jornada sobre Mujer y Justicia Climática, celebrada en la Universidad Carlos III, en los siguientes videos.

Primera Parte: Conferencia de María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, Presidenta de la Fundación Mujeres por África

Segunda Parte: Conferencias de María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, Mercedes Pardo y Alicia Cebada, Profesoras de Sociología, Filosofía del Derecho y Derecho Internacional Público, respectivamente, en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Tercera Parte: Conferencia de Carlos Montes, Catedrático de Ecología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

*El acceso a los enlaces da problemas con el Chrome. Es mejor acceder con otros navegadores, preferentemente el Internet Explorer.

viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017

Matrimonios Forzados

Puedes ver este interesante debate sobre los matrimonios forzados, incluyendo los matrimonios infantiles.

*El enlace funciona con explorer. Puede dar programas si usas el Navegador Chrome.

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